Dr. Darius Asghar-Zadeh

Research fellow

Dr. Darius Asghar-Zadeh

Research fellow
  • Comparative Theology / Interreligious Theology
  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Intercultural Zeitgeist-Hermeneutics and Future Studies
  • Christian-Muslim Relations
  • Christian Systematic Theology (Foundational Theology and Dogmatics) and Muslim Systematic Theology (Kalām), Philosophical Theology
  • Intercultural Medical Ethics


Religion, Zeit und Zukunft. Zeitdiagnostische und futurologische Scharfstellungen [Religion, Time, and Future: Time-Diagnostical and Futurological Focuses], Berlin: LIT Verlag 2023 (Time Diagnoses, vol. 63).

Menschsein im Angesicht des Absoluten. Theologische Anthropologie in der Perspektive christlich-muslimischer Komparativer Theologie [Being Human in the Face of the Absolute: Theological Anthropology in the Perspective of Christian-Muslim Comparative Theology], Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2017 (Contributions to Comparative Theology, vol. 29).

Essays and articles

“Giganten der islamischen Erkenntnissuche: Ibn Sīnā, al-Ġazālī und Ibn Rušd,” in: Martin Breul/Aaron Langenfeld (Hg.): Der Glaube im Denken. Eine Philosophiegeschichte, Freiburg i.Br.: Herder 2023, 54-65.

“Divine Action and Future Knowledge. Islamic Philosophical Theology in Discussion with Christian Open Theism,” in: John E. Sanders/Klaus von Stosch (eds.): Divine Action: Challenges for Muslim and Christian Theology, Paderborn: Brill 2022, 41-53.

“Jesus im Islam. Zum Verständnis eines interreligiösen Primärfaktors,” in: Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift 2 (2021, forthcoming).

“Wie geht der Islam mit dem Thema Leid um?,” in: Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift 168.1 (2020), 32-42.

“Interreligious Peacebuilding through Comparative Theology,” in: International Journal on World Peace 36.3 (2019), 57-82.

“Zur Möglichkeit eines gemeinsamen theologischen Sprechens von Christen und Muslimen. Konturen interreligiöser Theoriebildung,” in: CIBEDO-Beiträge 3 (2019), 128-135.

“God’s Self-Revelation in the Islamic tradition?,” in: Mouhanad Khorchide/Klaus von Stosch: The Other Prophet. Jesus in the Qur’an. Tr. by Simon Pare. London: Gingko 2019, 159-166 (together with Mouhanad Khorchide and Klaus von Stosch).

“On the Soteriological Relevance of the Qur’an,” in: Mouhanad Khorchide/Klaus von Stosch: The Other Prophet. Jesus in the Qur’an. Tr. by Simon Pare. London: Gingko 2019, 176-184 (together with Mouhanad Khorchide and Klaus von Stosch).

“Selbstoffenbarung Gottes in der islamischen Tradition?,” in: Mouhanad Khorchide/Klaus von Stosch: Der andere Prophet. Jesus im Koran, Freiburg i. Br.: Herder 2018, 229-241 (together with Mouhanad Khorchide and Klaus von Stosch).

“Zur soteriologischen Relevanz des Korans,” in: Mouhanad Khorchide/Klaus von Stosch: Der andere Prophet. Jesus im Koran, Freiburg i. Br.: Herder 2018, 254-264 (together with Mouhanad Khorchide and Klaus von Stosch).

“Arabisch-islamische Philosophie: Ibn Sīnā, al-Ġazālī und Ibn Rušd,” in: Martin Breul/Aaron Langenfeld (eds.): Kleine Philosophiegeschichte. Eine Einführung für das Theologiestudium, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2017 (UTB), 54-66.

“Der Koran als locus alienus der christlichen Frage nach Jesus. Überlegungen zur Deutungsoffenheit des Koran in komparativ-theologischer Perspektive,” in: Klaus von Stosch/Mouhanad Khorchide (eds.): Streit um Jesus. Muslimische und christliche Annäherungen, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2016 (Contributions to Comparative Theology, vol. 21), 81-96.

10/2016 – present
Habilitation project “Relational Ontology and Interreligious Theology: Towards a New Concept of Interfaith Hermeneutics” in Comparative Theology

PhD degree in Comparative Theology at Paderborn University (summa cum laude)

10/2011 – ­­­03/2016
PhD project “Christianity and Islam in Theological-Anthropological Interreligiousness: A Comparative Theology of the God-Man-Relationship Conceptualized in Terms of the History of Ideas and the Discourse of Time” (supervision by Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch, Prof. Dr. Johanna Rahner und Prof. Dr. Reza Hajatpour)

MA degree in “Catholic Theology”, “Islamic Studies” and “English” (final grade: 1,0) at the University of Bamberg

10/2007 – 08/2011
Studies in “Catholic Theology”, “Islamic Studies” and “English” at the University of Bamberg

03/2022 ­– present
Research fellow at the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues (CTSI)/  University of Bonn

04/2021 – present
Freelance researcher at the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK)/ Paderborn University

04/2018 – 03/2021
Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Islamic Theology / University of Münster

04/2017 – 03/2018
Resarch associate in the DFG-Projekt “Jesus in the Quran” at the Centre for Islamic Theology / University of Münster

04/2016 – 09/2016
Lecturer at the Centre for Interreligious Studies (CIS)/ University of Bamberg

04/2013 – 09/2013
Lecturer at the Centre for Interreligious Studies (CIS)/ University of Bamberg

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