
Dr. Mohammed Gamal Abdelnour (Islamic Studies/ York)1

Dr. Rasool Akbari (Islamic Theology/ Berlin)2

Dr. Martina Aras (Syriac Theology/Paderborn)3

Dr. Darius Asghar-Zadeh  (Comparative Theology/ Bonn)4

Prof. Dr. Najib George Awad (Christian-Muslim Relations/ Arabic Christianity)5

Dr. Mojtaba Beidaghy (Islamic Theology/ Hamburg)

Prof. Dr. Christian Blumenthal (Exegesis of the New Testament/ Bonn)6

Dr. Welmoet Boender (Islamic Studies/ Amsterdam)7

Prof. Dr. Martin Breul (Catholic Systematic Theology/ Dortmund)8

Prof. Dr. Christophe Chalamet (Protestant Systematic Theology/ Geneva)9

PD Dr. Maike Maria Domsel (Religious Education/ Bonn)10

Prof. Dr. Lewis Doney (Oriental Studies/Bonn)11

Prof. Dr. Margareta Gruber (New Testament/ Vallendar)12

Prof. Dr. Klaus Gärditz (Department of law/ Bonn)13

Prof. Dr. Susanne Lilian Gössl (Law/ Bonn)14

Prof. Dr. Judith Hahn (Canon Law/ Bonn)15

Prof. Dr. Christian Hornung (Ancient Church History/ Bonn)16

Dr. Bert Jacobs (Christian Orent/Louvain-la-Neuve)17

Prof. Dr. Isaac Kalimi (Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic exegesis/Jerusalem)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Naciye Kamcili-Yildiz (Islamic Religious Education/ Paderborn)18

Prof. Dr. Martin Keßler (Church History/Bonn)19

Prof. Dr. Andreas Krebs (Old Catholic Theology/ Bonn)20 

Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg (Political Science/ Bonn)21

Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger (History/ Bonn)22

Prof. Dr. Aaron Langenfeld (Catholic Systematic Theology/ Paderborn)23

Prof. Dr. Gary Muhammad Legenhausen (Islamic Philosophy/ Qom)

Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmkühler (Protestant Systematic Theology/ Straßburg)24

Prof. Dr. Magnus Lerch (Catholic Systematic Theology/ Cologne)25

Prof. Dr. Hermut Löhr  (New Testament Studies/ Bonn)26

Prof. Dr. Sabine N. Meyer (American Studies/ Bonn)27

Prof. Dr. Adnane Mokrani (Islamic Theology/ Rom)28

Prof. Dr. Gisela Muschiol (Church History/ Bonn)29 

Prof. Dr. Gernot Michael Müller (Latin Philology/ Bonn)30

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Idris Nassery (Islamic Law/ Paderborn)31

Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal (Liturgical Studies/ Bonn)32 

Judith Pfeiffer (Bonn/ Islamic Studies)33

Dr. Sofia Puchkova (Patristics/Oxford)34

Prof. Dr. Moussa Abou Ramadan (Muslim Law/ Strasbourg)35

Prof.'in Dr. Cornelia Richter (Protestant Systematic Theology/ Bonn)36 

Dr. Charbel Rizk (Syriac Theology/Uppsala)

Prof. Dr. Hubertus Roebben (Religious Education/ Bonn)37 

Prof. Dr. Markus Saur (Old Testament/Bonn)38

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister (Theological Ethics/ Bonn)39 

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schelhas (Catholic Dogmatics/ Bonn)40 

Prof. Dr. Jörg Seip (Pastoral Theology/ Bonn)41

Dr. Steen Skovsgaard (Protestant Bishop emeritus/ Aarhus)42

Dr. Antonia Sondermann (Theology of the spiritual life & fundamental theology/ Köln)43

Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch (Catholic Systematic Theology/ Bonn)44 

Prof. Dr. Muna Tatari (Islamic Systematic Theology/ Paderborn)45

Prof. Dr. Anya Topolski (Ethics/ Nijmegen)46

JProf. Br. Dr. Stefan Walser (Fundamental Theology/ Bonn)47

Prof. Dr. Ralf K. Wüstenberg (Protestant Systematic Theology/ Flensburg)48

Prof. Dr. Michel Younès (Catholic Systematic Theology/ Lyon)49

Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmut Zander (Religious Studies/ Fribourg)50


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